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Friday, September 9, 2011

Top 10 Responsibilities of Church Leaders

1. Be happy, cheerful (full of good cheer), content and positive is part of a leaders stewardship. Embodying the peace and love and confidence that comes from a deep and abiding knowledge that the Savior lives, that His atonement is infinite, universal, in full force, and applicable to all that will profess His name and follow His ways. Never letting go of the realization that the Lord is in control, that things work out when were doing our part, and that all things work together for good when we love God. And to have an unquenchable yearning to share the blessings and comfort of this sacred knowledge with all that will receive it.

2. Act gently and patiently in mentoring others. Maintaining a loving desire for them to grow personally and spiritually as they increase in confidence and ability. Genuinely wanting to help them prepare for a potential call to serve as a future leader of an auxiliary or quorum or other group.

3. Being in tune with the promptings of the Spirit. Understanding that the Lord is the Head of the Church, and is actively involved in the day-to-day on goings of each congregation and each saint. Leaders have an inherent and vital responsibility to seek and follow spiritual promptings. Lives will be changed, destinies altered and miracles achieved when leaders seek, listen for and heed spiritual promptings. And that is so because the whisperings of the Spirit are nothing less than direct, heaven-sent assignments, tasks delegated from the Lord Himself.

4. Counsel frequently with those called to serve with you. They also have rights to spiritual insights as well as life experiences that will add depth and contrast to every discussion, every decision. When we counsel properly with these trusted advisors, the Lord will graciously add His input as well He has promised so, …when two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Also seek and take counsel from leaders.

5. Be willing to sacrifice for the betterment of the group, often putting others needs and concerns before their own. Long hours, making and answering and returning phone calls; of comforting, lifting, visiting, encouraging, advising and counseling; of showing up, of being there and of doing things that may not come at convenient times. Serving others for the sake of serving and because they know through service, they are ultimately serving God.

6. Allowing others to grow and develop at their own pace, using caution in having expectations beyond reason that could discourage or dishearten. Rather, encourage and challenge showing patience and love and confidence in the contributions and efforts of others. Knowing that the Lord will not give up on anyone; that He is willing to help everyone and anyone work out their salvation; that He will work unceasingly to cause His plan to be fulfilled tirelessly setting into motion sequences of events and encounters which may seem random but are not, as they will eventually bring us back to our heavenly home, back to Him.

7. Maintaining an air of calmness and poise in moments of crisis. Waiting to learn all sides of a story before deciding on a course of action. Discerning truth from error, right from wrong, good from not so good. Avoiding being reactionary and quick in decisions unless absolutely necessary. Graciously giving people the benefit of the doubt, looking for and noting their good motives, their noble intentions and their righteous desires.

8. Emulating the Savior in being fearless about standing up for the right. For goodness, morality, chastity, purity, obedience, endurance, virtue, honesty, discipline, compassion, responsibility, loyalty, dignity, respect, reverence, spirituality, courage, work, humility, self-mastery, progress, testimony, holiness, charity for ALL things that are good as we seek after these things. Teaching and exemplifying personal righteousness as: being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right things, for the right reasons. Unveiling the blessings that are bestowed from God for embracing celestial laws.

9. Helping others understand their ultimate and immeasurable worth. Clarifying their noble birthright and their royal lineage as literal spirit children of God, spirit offspring of a personal, loving Heavenly Father. Promoting behaviors and conduct that align with the inherent rights and duties of being a prince or princess of a King our King, the Most High God.

10. Orchestrating balance in marriage, family, work, friends, ecclesiastical responsibilities, entertainment, etc. Putting everything in its proper place and in the appropriate perspective. Consistently trying to improve and better manage it all, knowing that the work is never done, and that doing the best you can every day is good enough. The Lord’s ample arm will make up the difference.

Bishop Wm. Calvin Hughes
May 18, 2009

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