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Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Least of These

Maybe some of the four most important words when it comes to being in the service of our fellow men are these -"The Least of These".

For most of us, it's easy to serve those that are easy to love - our friends, family, those that 'deserve it'.

However, for too many of us there are times when it's a totally different story. The times when there are opportunities to serve people that live on the wrong side of town, the wrong side of the tracks, the wrong side of the economy, those who have the wrong faith, the wrong political view, the wrong clothes - or dirty clothes, the wrong vocabulary, the wrong etiquette, the wrong hygiene, the wrong vises, the wrong amount of intelligence, the wrong education, the wrong job - or no job, those with the wrong goals, the wrong choices and decisions, the wrong diet, the wrong heritage, the wrong investments or financial portfolio, the wrong weight, the wrong hair length, the wrong piercings or tattoos, the wrong or just weird personalities, or those that may have not had a shower, or a shave, or have brushed their teeth recently -- they may even be missing some teeth! Many of us shy away from these people.

It's interesting that the Son of God referred to them as "The Least of These".

How we serve "The Least of These" is the a major element in the test of life. How we respond in these situations may well define much of our individual Christianity. It may play an important part of how we're eventually judged by our Maker.

For "The Least of These", we may not be able to solve many of their problems, but we can brighten, lift, love, respect, encourage, and share. There is not a single encounter that we can't somehow leave better than we found it - not one! Even if all we have to offer is a smile and a look of encouragement, or perhaps an uplifting word or two, it can mean the world to someone that believes they are empty and lost and without hope. In every encounter we can leave it better than we found it. It's exactly what God does with us, in every encounter with Him.

We can be good Samaritans, or at least we can be better Samaritans than we've been. It may not be what life's all about, but I'd be willing to bet it's in the neighborhood!

I've tried to capture some of my feelings about those four words in the following poem titled "The Least of These". I hope it has meaning for you! Would love your feedback.

Love, Cal


The Least of These

It’s easy to be disgusted with those who are disgusting,

And harbor contempt for the contemptuous folk.

It’s natural to be hurtful toward those that hurt,
And strike back, contending with people who strike out.
It’s understandable to react spitefully at the spiteful,
Or be mean anyway with the intentionally cruel.

It’s oh so difficult being kind to the undeserving.

For its these that God called the ‘least of these’,
The oppressed, the forgotten, the weary,
The lost, the indigent, the sad of heart, and lonely,
The broken, with misplaced faith, and mislaid hopes,
To these, many who’ve caused their own woes,
We are to be charitable, regardless of circumstance.

These, who we may think undeserving of our care.

The ‘least of these’ are our brothers and sisters,
And God’s asked us to care for them,
To feed, and clothe, and shelter them.
To minister to them when sick, and to visit,
When imprisoned with loneliness, or sin, or pride.
We’re to nurture nevertheless, despite their situation.

For we are all undeserving. Yet God loves us still.
Anyway. Regardless. Nevertheless.

Wm. Calvin Hughes
September 24, 2011

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