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Friday, October 4, 2019

10 Absolute Universal Laws
for Divine Human Behavior

1.       Always find a way to forgive others (regardless of ignorance, bad choices, bad environment, a terrible upbringing, genuine evilness, and more – find a way to pardon others, to overlook their shortfalls, dismiss their malice, reject their cruelty, forget their error, commute their faults, to love them regardless, and more)

2.       Always take the high road (be honest, ethical, fair, reasonable, gracious, generous, innocent, sympathetic, full of integrity, trustworthy, on time, positive, virtuous, humble, compassionate, polite, open-minded, genuine, appreciative, optimistic,  collaborative, respectful, reliable, principled, moral, kind, gracious, dependable and more)

3.       Always find the silver lining (find the good part, the bright side, the lessons learned, the ray of light in the storm, the humorous side, the tinge of hope,  the commendable, the blessings of starting fresh, and more)

4.       Always go the extra mile (give more than expected, be of more value than your pay; if someone asks for your spare change – give a dollar; if someone asks for a couple of dollars – give five, if someone needs a minute of your time – give them more, let the discourteous driver in front of you, proactively look for opportunities to serve and care, heal and provide, encourage and lift others every day, and more)

5.       Always find opportunities to build up others (sincerely compliment, genuinely notice and speak out about progress and accomplishment, praise good decisions and triumph and creativity, encourage goodness, personal growth and development, highlight small and large successes, being strong, caring for others, and more)

6.       Always judge with a good, encouraging judgement (focusing on the lessons learned and the opportunity to move forward and upward rather than the mistakes made and the misery caused, pointing to the magnificence of the course correction rather than criticizing the foolishness of the transgression made, and more)

7.       Always leave the door open for the possibility of your own error (every situation is different – different people, different circumstances, different influencers, different backgrounds, different perspectives and understandings, so never shut the door believing your perspective is the absolute and only correct perspective; when the door is shut we stop learning, curtail an increase of wisdom and constrict the relationship; when we discipline ourselves to leave the door open, everyone is benefited, relationships flourish, mutual respect is achieved, and more)

8.       Always take responsibility when error is in question (honorable is the person who is quick to take responsibility when things go astray; rather than pointing fingers at others for their wrongful contribution to a situation, ask what you could have done better? how can you have help minimize the problem? what can you do to make course corrections and move forward and upward from here? and more)

9.       Always pay attention (there’s always something new to learn, a valuable insight, a treasured message, a morsel of truth, a tool to be stored away for future application that will bless lives, heal hearts, encourage hope, inspire and more)

10.    Always choose excellence (look for the better way – then improve on it; make ‘quality’ and ‘value’ daily objectives; find someone to mentor and love them into excellence; give and give and give, and then find a way to give some more; never give up on anyone; look for an area of your life that could improve, focus on it, practice continuous improvement and make it an area of excellence, then move on to another area – make it a lifelong cycle of improvement toward excellence; and more)

Wm. Calvin Hughes | September 4, 2019 | Lake Elsinore, CA

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