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Friday, April 3, 2020

Everything About the Prophet of the Restoration

Everything About the Prophet of the Restoration

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Prophet of the Restoration can be found in these lectures by Truman G. Madsen. Included are dozens of stories, miracles, and human interest content that I’d never heard before. Made me appreciate him even more. Gave me a glimpse of the incredible sacrifices that were made by Emma and Joseph, their extended family, and the early saints. Gave me new and precious insights about temples and temple work. Gave me a clearer perspective on the need for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Made me humble to compare any challenges I’ve had to those that gave so much to help restore God’s Kingdom on earth. Two quick examples (among hundreds) of things I learned: 1) It’s estimated that the labor, building materials and financial sacrifice of the early Saints to build the Kirtland temple is unrivaled for any other structure ever erected in the history of the world; and 2) The temple cornerstone (the initial building block) was laid on the south-east corner (where light from each day would first reach the temple), was laid at 12:00 noon (when light was at the fullest and brightest during the day), and was set on the single day in the year when light lasts the longest – the summer solstice, in June 1833! Also of interest, the miracle that occurred to locate (in Canada), convert and hire the chief builder/contractor (superintendent of construction) for the temple (same man also designed/built the St. George temple). There’s so much here to digest and delight in.

1.       The Joseph Smith Lecture Series: Truman G. Madsen Introduction (1 min.)

2.       Lecture 1: The First Vision and Its Aftermath | Truman G. Madsen (48 min.)

3.       Joseph Smith Lecture 2: Joseph's Personality and Character | Truman G. Madsen (48 min.)

4.       Joseph Smith Lecture 3: Joseph Smith and Spiritual Gifts | Truman G. Madsen (44 min.)

5.       Joseph Smith Lecture 4: Joseph Smith and Trials | Truman G. Madsen (46 min.)

6.       Joseph Smith Lecture 5: Joseph Smith and The Kirtland Temple | Truman G. Madsen (47 min.)

7.       Joseph Smith Lecture 6: Joseph Smith as Teacher, Speaker, and Counselor | Truman G. Madsen (46 min.)

8.       Joseph Smith Lecture 7: Doctrinal Development and the Nauvoo Era | Truman G. Madsen (40 min.)

9.       Joseph Smith Lecture 8: The Last Months and Martyrdom | Truman G. Madsen (47 min.)

10.   Joseph Smith and the Last Charge, Sperry Symposium 2005 - Truman Madsen (102 min.)

11.   Kirkland Temple Dedicatory Prayer – Joseph Smith, Jr. | March 27, 1836 -

12.  “He Looked Up” – Michael McLean (4 min.)

13.  “Why was there a Need for a Restoration” – William E. Hughes (book: Why was there a need for a restoration? Like most people, you’ve probably asked yourself a few spiritual or religious questions in life. This book responds to several of those kinds of questions regarding the history of, and changes to Christianity. With 30,000+ Christian denominations since the time of Christ, it would be good to know - What happened, why it happened and what it means to both spiritual seekers and faithful followers of Jesus Christ. What happened to the original Christian Church established by Jesus Christ? Why are there thousands of Christian denominations in the world today? Would Christ create a Church organization that causes confusion and disorder? And several other related questions...)
14. “The Restoration Robin” – Wm. Calvin Hughes (book: A fictional story about a true historical event as told through the eye witness account of a robin. The little bird just happened to be in the right place at the right time to observe the miraculous occurrence. So taken by the magnitude of this experience, she memorialized the details by recording her testimony in melodic verse. Now, when hearing the sweet sounds of birds singing in the morning, we’re reminded of ‘The Restoration Robin's’ special story.) |
Wm. Calvin Hughes | April 3, 2020 | Lake Elsinore, CA

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