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Monday, November 2, 2015

Our Atonement Appointment

Our Atonement Appointment
We all have an impending future date with the Atonement,
- regardless of the direction we’re headed…
- regardless of the places we’ve been…
- and regardless of our choices made, sins committed, or repentance accomplished.
And our Atonement appointment is also set for today, this hour, this minute –
in the very moment we humble ourselves, with broken heart and contrite spirit…
- seeking forgiveness and granting forgiveness to each another…
- seeking the healing, enabling power of Christ that will deliver us and make us whole.
We have an appointment with the Atonement,
- whether we believe in Christ, or not…
- whether we accept His teachings, or not…
- and whether we acknowledge Him as the Savior of the world, or not.
Our appointment with the Atonement is set for us every Sabbath –
in the hour put aside to reflect over the emblems of the bread and water…
in those moments where we renew covenants with our God.
Our destiny includes a meeting with the Atonement,
- in spite of the strength of our faith or lack thereof…
- in spite of our goodness or wretchedness…
- and in spite our fragility, humanity, or mortality.
Someday, inevitably, we will, in person, meet Him again; and then we will,
- know of His limitless, and boundless love for us…
- know of His desire to bless and exalt us to the greatest extent possible…
- and know and understand the miracle of His infinite and merciful Atonement.
Our appointment with the Atonement is set for us when we, seeking forgiveness,
confess our sins to those called to hear our anger and grief, our fear and anguish…
and shepherd us to the sweet blessings of the Atonement.
Our Atonement appointment is a both a singular event, and a continuous event.
At that meeting, we will acknowledge Him as the Son of God, when
- we feel the prints of the nails in His hands, in His feet…
- we bathe His feet with our tears of love and admiration…
- we humbly bow, and confess that He is our King and our God!
On that magnificent day when we will have our appointment with the Atonement.

Wm. Calvin Hughes | September 16, 2015 | Lake Elsinore, California

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