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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart

Happy 34th Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart! Six great kids, eight wonderful grand-kids, thirty-four awesome years, and a bright eternity to continue the celebration! Now that's priceless! Love you, always and forever Natalie Jane!
When I was 14 years old, my 8th grade locker partner and best friend died in a tragic drowning accident. For weeks I knelt at my bedside and prayed to understand why? Why would God allow this to happen to such an outstandingly, good, young man?
Immaturely, in my heartbreak and confusion and frustration I vowed to never have a best friend again! As I prayed repeatedly, I expected God to answer this request: "Show me, in my mind's eye, who my future wife will be." Childishly, I reasoned that if I was going to ever have a best friend again, it would only be my wife.
After weeks of tears and heartfelt petitioning, the answer came. With all the love and understanding of a benevolent and caring Father, the answer came. As clear and warm and gentle as any other spoken words could be, He said, "Calvin, I won't show you your wife to be just now, but I will promise you this, when you see her, you'll know that she's the one."
My pain and heartache subsided. There was a renewed confidence and assurance. I knew that God was truly in control of the universe, that I mattered, and that He loved me.
It was more than four years later, the first week in my senior year of high school, sitting in the back row of a mechanical drafting class. The events of those four years earlier were a distant and mostly-faded memory. There were only two girls in that class. As I was assessing their 'potential', I focused in on one. And then it happened. That old, but unforgettable voice spoke a second time.
Again gently and lovingly, He said, "Do you remember when I told you that when you saw her you'd know her?" Oh my!!! I'd almost forgotten it... almost, but not quite. "You're seeing her now."
There's much more to this Romeo and Juliet love story... but about two-and-a-half years later, 34 years ago today, June 27, 1981, we were married for time and eternity. Always and Forever! Calvin loves Natalie! Cinelli loves Jane! Happy, happy anniversary!!! You're amazing!  

— Celebrating our 34th anniversary. 7/27/2015

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