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Friday, January 31, 2014


As a schoolboy, getting any “D” grades in school meant that I had some serious explaining to do to mom and dad. It was a bad thing and meant I was in some severe trouble! Since then I’ve learned that the letter “D” starts words with lots of bad meanings that can get people into all kinds of trouble. For no logical reason the letter “D” seems to begin an unusual number of words that are evil, negative, and harmful. It’s no wonder that the name for the source of all evil and mayhem is the “Devil”, a “D” word! It just seems that there is an overabundance of dreadful “D” words in the English language. For example, take: Destructive, Damaging, Damn and Damnation, Disapproving, Downbeat, Disparaging, Devastating, Detrimental, and Dastardly.  It’s could be Downright Depressing!

There’s an abundance of negative “Dis” words: Disappoint, Disavow, Discourage, Distress, Dishonorable, Disabled, Dishonest, Disheveled, Dispute and Disputations, Discomfort, Distress and Distressing, Disability, Disaccord, Disadvantage, Disaffect, Disagreement, Disappearance, Disappointment, Disapproval, Disarray, Disassociation, Disaster, Discardment, Discomfort, Discommend, Disconcertion, Disconnection, Discontent, Discord, Discouragement, Discrimination, Disdain, Disease, Disfavor, Disgrace, Disgust, Disharmony, Dishonesty, Dishonor, Disillusionment, Disinclination, Disinformation, Disintegration, Disinterest, Disjunction, Dislike, Disloyalty, Dismay, Disobedience, Disorder, Disparity, Dispersal, Displacement, Displeasure, Disposal, Dispossession, Disproportion, Dispute, Disqualify, Disregard, Disrepute, Disrespect, Disruption, Disassociation, Dissatisfaction, Dissent, Disservice, Distortion, Distraction, Disturbance, Disunity, Disvalue, Disfigurement, Disobedient and Disobey, Disjoint and Disorganized - again, these are not the pick-you-up, brighten-your-day, and make-you-smile kind of words!

There’s more – Darkness, Deadly, Death, Debt, Deceit, Deceive, Defile, Defraud, Division, Despair, Desolate and Desolation, Despise, Destitute, Destroy and Destroyer, Depraved, Dreadful, Debauched, Defective, Deficient, Damaging, Difficult, Decaying, Decomposing, Difficulty, Diminish, Divorce, Doubt and Doubtful, Dread, Drunk and Drunken and Drunkard, Drought, and Dungeon. It’s more than just Dreadful, it’s absolutely Disgusting!

Even further, consider these Dastardly “D” words – Deplorable, Deprived, Deformed, Despicable, Dirty, Dreary, Demon, Destitute, Down-hearted, Damn and Damning and Damnation, Decline, Depression, Degradation, Decline, Demolish and Demolition, Deprived, Deranged, Derail, Digress, Dyer, Division, Doom, Defeat, Danger, Damage, Death and Die. How can it be anything but Downright Diabolical?

The Dictionary of Discouraging “D” terminology Drones even further: Dictator, Deification, Difficulty, Digression, Dimming, Diminutive, Dire, Dirt, Dysfunction, Divergence, Divestment, Division, Divorce, Dominance, Doom, Double-talk, Doubt, Down, Downfall, Drab, Draconian, Drag,  Drain, Drastic, Drawback, Dread, Drifting, Drill, Dross, Drug, Drunkard, and Dupery. It’s more than Despicable, it’s Demonic.

But it doesn’t stop there, check out the last of these Downtrodden, Depressing “D” words: Deafness, Debauchery, Debasing, Debility, Debt, Decapitation, Decimation, Decline, Decadence, Decrease, Decrepitude, Decantation, Decomposition, Decommission, Deduction, Deformity, Defamation, Deface, Degeneration, Dejection, Deletion, Deleterious, Deliberation, Delinquency, Delirium, Deluge, Delusion, Demise, Demean, Dementia, Demon, Demolition, Demoralization, Demote, Dumb and Dummy and Dumber and Dumb-bell, Dim-wit, Dope, Dunce, Denature, Denial, Denunciation, Deplenish, Dirt, Dung, Deplorion, Depopulation, Deposition, Deportation, Depreciate, Derange, Derelict, Derision, Desecration, Desensitization, Desegregation, Desertion, Desolation, Despair, Despoilment, Destabilization, Destruction, Detainment, Deterioration, Detestability, Detour, Detraction, Detriment, Devaluation, Deviation, Devastation, and Devoid. Certainly there is Devilishly Downbeat underpinnings in these Detestable “D” terms.

Although this is overwhelmingly Dark and Depressing, there is a flicker of light in it all. A small bright spot, but a bright spot none-the-less. There are a few, powerfully positive “D” words. It’s true, there is opposition in all things. When things seem Down and Depressing, try to not think about the Devil and his Dictionary of evil, Demonic and Devilishly Derogatory “D” words. Instead, think about, focus on, concentrate on these positive, uplifting, and inspiring “D” words – Dainty, Dandy, Dapper, Daring, Darling, Dashing, Dauntless, Dazzling, Dear, Debonair, Decent, Deciding, Decisive, Decorous, Dedicated and Dedication, Deductive, Definite, Definitive, Deft, Delectable, Deliberate, Delicate,  Delicious, Delighted and Delightful, Deluxe, Dependable, Deserving, Desired, Desirable, Desirous, Destined, Determinant, Determined, Developed, Developing, Devoted and Devotion and Devotional, Devout, Dexterous, Dialectic, Diehard, Different, Dignified, Diligent, Diplomatic, Direct, Discerning, Disciple and Disciplined, Discreet, Discriminating, Distinct and Distinctive, Distinguished, Distinguishing, Diverse, Diverting, Divine, Doable, Dominant, Doted on, Doting, Doubtless, Doughty, Down-to-earth, Dreamy, Driven, Driving, Donuts, Danish, Durable, Dutiful, Dynamic, Dad, Daughter, Dynamite, Doctrine, Deliverance and Deliverer.

But when it’s all said and done, the MOST GLORIOUS and POWERFULLY, POSITIVE “D” word in any language, spoken by any tongue, in any land is – DEITY! All glory to Him! Deity trumps any and all other “D” words. In fact, it trumps all other words, regardless of the starting letter! Amen and amen!

By-the-way, what are some other “D” words – good or bad – that you can think of?

Wm. Calvin Hughes
Lake Elsinore, California
January 31, 2014

Note: Please accept my apologies in advance for any duplicates. As Diligent as I tried, it was Difficult to catch them all.  – WCH 

1 comment:

  1. Ruthanne Taylor added Deliverer and Deliverance to the list of positive words. Thank you!
