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Friday, January 31, 2014


As a schoolboy, getting any “D” grades in school meant that I had some serious explaining to do to mom and dad. It was a bad thing and meant I was in some severe trouble! Since then I’ve learned that the letter “D” starts words with lots of bad meanings that can get people into all kinds of trouble. For no logical reason the letter “D” seems to begin an unusual number of words that are evil, negative, and harmful. It’s no wonder that the name for the source of all evil and mayhem is the “Devil”, a “D” word! It just seems that there is an overabundance of dreadful “D” words in the English language. For example, take: Destructive, Damaging, Damn and Damnation, Disapproving, Downbeat, Disparaging, Devastating, Detrimental, and Dastardly.  It’s could be Downright Depressing!

There’s an abundance of negative “Dis” words: Disappoint, Disavow, Discourage, Distress, Dishonorable, Disabled, Dishonest, Disheveled, Dispute and Disputations, Discomfort, Distress and Distressing, Disability, Disaccord, Disadvantage, Disaffect, Disagreement, Disappearance, Disappointment, Disapproval, Disarray, Disassociation, Disaster, Discardment, Discomfort, Discommend, Disconcertion, Disconnection, Discontent, Discord, Discouragement, Discrimination, Disdain, Disease, Disfavor, Disgrace, Disgust, Disharmony, Dishonesty, Dishonor, Disillusionment, Disinclination, Disinformation, Disintegration, Disinterest, Disjunction, Dislike, Disloyalty, Dismay, Disobedience, Disorder, Disparity, Dispersal, Displacement, Displeasure, Disposal, Dispossession, Disproportion, Dispute, Disqualify, Disregard, Disrepute, Disrespect, Disruption, Disassociation, Dissatisfaction, Dissent, Disservice, Distortion, Distraction, Disturbance, Disunity, Disvalue, Disfigurement, Disobedient and Disobey, Disjoint and Disorganized - again, these are not the pick-you-up, brighten-your-day, and make-you-smile kind of words!

There’s more – Darkness, Deadly, Death, Debt, Deceit, Deceive, Defile, Defraud, Division, Despair, Desolate and Desolation, Despise, Destitute, Destroy and Destroyer, Depraved, Dreadful, Debauched, Defective, Deficient, Damaging, Difficult, Decaying, Decomposing, Difficulty, Diminish, Divorce, Doubt and Doubtful, Dread, Drunk and Drunken and Drunkard, Drought, and Dungeon. It’s more than just Dreadful, it’s absolutely Disgusting!

Even further, consider these Dastardly “D” words – Deplorable, Deprived, Deformed, Despicable, Dirty, Dreary, Demon, Destitute, Down-hearted, Damn and Damning and Damnation, Decline, Depression, Degradation, Decline, Demolish and Demolition, Deprived, Deranged, Derail, Digress, Dyer, Division, Doom, Defeat, Danger, Damage, Death and Die. How can it be anything but Downright Diabolical?

The Dictionary of Discouraging “D” terminology Drones even further: Dictator, Deification, Difficulty, Digression, Dimming, Diminutive, Dire, Dirt, Dysfunction, Divergence, Divestment, Division, Divorce, Dominance, Doom, Double-talk, Doubt, Down, Downfall, Drab, Draconian, Drag,  Drain, Drastic, Drawback, Dread, Drifting, Drill, Dross, Drug, Drunkard, and Dupery. It’s more than Despicable, it’s Demonic.

But it doesn’t stop there, check out the last of these Downtrodden, Depressing “D” words: Deafness, Debauchery, Debasing, Debility, Debt, Decapitation, Decimation, Decline, Decadence, Decrease, Decrepitude, Decantation, Decomposition, Decommission, Deduction, Deformity, Defamation, Deface, Degeneration, Dejection, Deletion, Deleterious, Deliberation, Delinquency, Delirium, Deluge, Delusion, Demise, Demean, Dementia, Demon, Demolition, Demoralization, Demote, Dumb and Dummy and Dumber and Dumb-bell, Dim-wit, Dope, Dunce, Denature, Denial, Denunciation, Deplenish, Dirt, Dung, Deplorion, Depopulation, Deposition, Deportation, Depreciate, Derange, Derelict, Derision, Desecration, Desensitization, Desegregation, Desertion, Desolation, Despair, Despoilment, Destabilization, Destruction, Detainment, Deterioration, Detestability, Detour, Detraction, Detriment, Devaluation, Deviation, Devastation, and Devoid. Certainly there is Devilishly Downbeat underpinnings in these Detestable “D” terms.

Although this is overwhelmingly Dark and Depressing, there is a flicker of light in it all. A small bright spot, but a bright spot none-the-less. There are a few, powerfully positive “D” words. It’s true, there is opposition in all things. When things seem Down and Depressing, try to not think about the Devil and his Dictionary of evil, Demonic and Devilishly Derogatory “D” words. Instead, think about, focus on, concentrate on these positive, uplifting, and inspiring “D” words – Dainty, Dandy, Dapper, Daring, Darling, Dashing, Dauntless, Dazzling, Dear, Debonair, Decent, Deciding, Decisive, Decorous, Dedicated and Dedication, Deductive, Definite, Definitive, Deft, Delectable, Deliberate, Delicate,  Delicious, Delighted and Delightful, Deluxe, Dependable, Deserving, Desired, Desirable, Desirous, Destined, Determinant, Determined, Developed, Developing, Devoted and Devotion and Devotional, Devout, Dexterous, Dialectic, Diehard, Different, Dignified, Diligent, Diplomatic, Direct, Discerning, Disciple and Disciplined, Discreet, Discriminating, Distinct and Distinctive, Distinguished, Distinguishing, Diverse, Diverting, Divine, Doable, Dominant, Doted on, Doting, Doubtless, Doughty, Down-to-earth, Dreamy, Driven, Driving, Donuts, Danish, Durable, Dutiful, Dynamic, Dad, Daughter, Dynamite, Doctrine, Deliverance and Deliverer.

But when it’s all said and done, the MOST GLORIOUS and POWERFULLY, POSITIVE “D” word in any language, spoken by any tongue, in any land is – DEITY! All glory to Him! Deity trumps any and all other “D” words. In fact, it trumps all other words, regardless of the starting letter! Amen and amen!

By-the-way, what are some other “D” words – good or bad – that you can think of?

Wm. Calvin Hughes
Lake Elsinore, California
January 31, 2014

Note: Please accept my apologies in advance for any duplicates. As Diligent as I tried, it was Difficult to catch them all.  – WCH 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

For the Glory of God!

For the Glory of God

Not complaining or looking for sympathy, but it’s been an amazing and challenging five months. Last August, while on a mini family vacation in San Diego our lives took an unexpected turn, in fact, turned completely upside down.

At 11:30 pm I had a stroke. It was a very strange feeling.  No pain. A weird sensation of not being in control of my physical body. We were in a nice hotel room and we had had our family prayer and had all gone to bed. Lying there, I was cold so I got up to take a hot shower, but struggled to keep my balance. My thinking was that I was just tired from the drive, a couple of hours at the beach, taking the family out to a nice Mexican restaurant, and then some swimming in the hotel pool. I had to hug the wall on my way to the shower to keep my balance. A hot shower would surely do the trick and snap me out of it! Twenty minutes later I was heading back to bed, but I was still confused about being off kilter. Natalie and the kids had all fallen asleep. I knelt down at the side of the bed for my evening prayers. I’ve always felt that saying my prayers vocally was somehow an effort of increased faithfulness. As I began my prayer I could tell immediately that something was terribly wrong – I could think the words, but I couldn’t get them to come out of my mouth. It was complete jibberish! Ten minutes later I managed to wake Natalie up, almost crawled to the parking lot, left the kids alone in the hotel, and we were off to find a hospital emergency room.

Six weeks in the hospital and therapy, then home for the real work. Have lost 60 – 70 lbs in the process – I now weigh under what I did when I returned from my mission 32 years ago. So… I look much better than I feel  ;)  but there is progress on multiple fronts, and prayers far and wide have been and are being answered. Yet, miles and miles to go… but with Natalie by my side, encouraging words for every inch forward, and loving half of the man I once was, the future is bright and full of promise.

In October, Fred our 14 year-old, was getting the Halloween supplies out in the garage and the step ladder he was standing on broke. He fell and broke two bones in his wrist as he hit the cement floor. Several casts and several weeks later, Natalie had nursed him back to a full recovery.

In November, Natalie’s sister Geraldine was in a terrible head-on collision on the Interstate 10 freeway. It’s a miracle she is alive. The bones in her right foot and ankle were shattered. She’s been through surgeries and is recovering. She came home from the hospital to live with us. Natalie has become her primary care-giver, nursing her back to health. She is expected to go back to work at the beginning of March.

In December, Fred (yes, same boy) goofing around with a friend, fell on a brick walkway. In an effort to protect the newly healing wrist, he took the force of the fall on his ribs. Yep, cracked ribs! To add insult, he contracted pneumonia in his left lung. You should hear this boy pray! Something about a 14 year-old boy’s prayer! All the humility, sincerity, and faith you could imagine. He is back on the mend again, also due to the incredible care of his mom.

Natalie asked me the other day, tongue-in-cheek, if someone was playing some kind of cruel joke on us? I’ve wondered the same thing at times. But no, that’s certainly not the case. But after some consideration, perhaps we’ve had it good for so many years, decades really, that things have just caught up with us. If so, hopefully we’re “caught up” for several decades to come!

For some reason, my mind continues to reflect on the verses in the New Testament of Lazarus’ sickness and impending death. “When Jesus heard that, He said, this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby” (John 11:4). As the story goes, Jesus delayed His coming to Lazarus for two days and Lazarus died. By the time Jesus arrives, Lazarus “had lain in the grave four days already” (John 11:17). There was no question that Lazarus had indeed died.

For many of us, we would have been sorely disappointed in the Savior’s delay. Healing the sick was one thing... Jesus already had a track record for that. But death… that’s a whole other story! Death is soooo final! He was too late. Lazarus had gone to the world of spirits for days prior! Way too late to attempt CPR! Way too late to use the defibrillator! But! But! Yes, But, not too late for the Son of God! It’s never too late for the Master. Never!

I love Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary. Though Mary sat in the house I admire Martha’s faith and consideration. Martha hears of Jesus’ coming and doesn’t wait for Him to get to the house. Even though most of us would have been disappointed in the lateness of His arrival, she, faith-filled, yet hopeful, went out to greet Him. Perhaps she wanted to give Him a heads-up about Lazarus’ passing four days prior before He arrived at the house where many Jews had gathered.

Martha, an ensign of faith for all the world, entreats the Master, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” But! Again, that But!!! She continues without missing s beat, “But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee” (John 11:21-22).

The Savior of the world responds to Martha’s unshakable, unquestionable, unquivering faith with miraculous majesty, “Thy brother shall rise again” (John 11:23).

We know well the rest of the story. Mary and Martha and Jesus meet at the Lazarus’ grave. It is here that the well-known verse occurs, “Jesus wept”.

Although there were still some that doubted and thought the time of miracles had passed, Jesus knew better. He prayed aloud to His Father in Heaven, and then cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth” (John 11:43). And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin (John 11:44).

I love even more what the Redeemer says in verse 40 referring back to His remarks in verse 4: Jesus saith unto her, said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? So, let me repeat, it’s not some kind of cruel joke! In fact, it’s something completely different! Here’s the thing, ‘His will be done’. We need to have more faith in that, and more faith in Him! And as sure as the rising sun at the morning dawn, if we would just believe, and are patient in our believing, even when we think that He is too late to help, we will see the glory of God! He will come, and He will grant the blessings desired when we submit ourselves to and align our will with His will. His will be done!

Life is good even at Hughes Memorial Hospital! Life is good!

Wm. Calvin Hughes
Lake Elsinore California, January 25, 2014

These words spake Jesus,
and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said,
Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son,
that thy Son also may glorify thee:
As thou hast given him power over all flesh,
that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
And this is life eternal,
that they might know thee the only true God,
and Jesus Christ,
whom thou hast sent.
I have glorified thee on the earth:
I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
And now, O Father, glorify thou me
with thine own self
with the glory which I had
with thee before the world was.

(John 17:1-5)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 - What Does the Future Hold?

What will the New Year of 2014 bring us?

It’s the great unknown, for the most part. And that can be stressful and scary.

There many are questions about what the future holds and the uncertainties many are facing in the New Year. What will happen in our homes and in our country and around the world in the coming months? What will happen with the economy? There are uncertainties with employment or concerns over finances. What about health related issues? There are worries about the fragile nature of the world’s affairs with contentions and wars and scattered hot spots. There seems to be an increase in the frequency and severity of natural calamities. And most concerning, is the blatant war on spirituality that seems to be gaining ground all around us.

While pondering and praying about these things and our current state of affairs, a welcome response was received. It was both interesting and calming. These promptings brought me welcome feelings of peace and assurance and comfort. Here are the responses to the questions and concerns about what the future holds: 
  • In 2014, the Lord will continue to be in control!
  • We can rest assured and take comfort that the 'right' will win in the end.
  • Christ’s church will continue to grow and cover the earth, and it will continue to be a refuge from the storms of life – temporal and spiritual and all others.
  • The Lord will continue to bless and prosper those that are faithful and true and are striving to live the commandments and be devoted disciples of the Master.
  • There will be more challenges to test our faithfulness and they will give us opportunities to exercise faith. There will be challenges in health, finances, relationships, employment, and more. How we respond to them and learn from them is much more significant than the nature of the challenges themselves.
  • There will continue to be a greater division between the standards of the gospel and the standards of the world. Our test and our ultimate safety is to be consistent in choosing the higher, moral standards for ourselves and our families.
  • There will be an increased acceptance of evil and sinful behavior by much of the world. There will continue to be an increase in the liberalization of sacred, holy standards. There will be an increase in movements and social opinions and legislative actions that will deteriorate the moral fabric of society and belittle sacred things.
  • And lastly, we are yet one year closer to the glorious return of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We should continue to look for the signs of His return and prepare ourselves for the blessings of participating in that great and long, sought-after event.
With all of this in mind, our future is certainly most bright. It’s comforting to know the Lord is in control. It's good to be reminded of how much He cares for us, how much He is involved in the details of our lives, and how much He loves us!

And it’s good to know that our God is a God of second chances.

Wm. Calvin Hughes
January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!