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Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Dream of a Newly Released Bishop

– Wm. Calvin Hughes, March 15, 2013, Lake Elsinore, California –
In the early morning hours of Friday, March 15, 2013, I had a dream. A few days earlier on Sunday, March 10, 2013, after serving five years and eight months I was released as the bishop of the loving Lake Elsinore Ward. On that same day our Ward was split into two Wards – the new Temescal Canyon Ward and the new and improved Lake Elsinore Ward. Bishop "P" and Bishop "A" were called to serve respectively in the two Wards. The congregation enthusiastically sustained dividing into two Wards and the two new bishoprics. The Spirit bore witness that the events of the day were inspired by the Lord. It was a sweet day filled with a sweet spirit.

In the dream I was in a room much like a bishop’s office and conducting some training for Bishop A and Bishop P. It was evening, just getting dark outside. They were intently listening to the things being shared. The Spirit was strong and there were additional confirmations and witnesses of their new callings (in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established). I don’t remember any of our training or discussion during that meeting. However, the part I do remember is this: at the end of the training, I stood up and went to the window and opened the drapes to share with them one concluding point. In the window a neon light was hanging. It was turned off but it could clearly be read – it was just one word, all in capital letters – “BISHOP”.

There was a pull-string dangling out of the bottom of the light. I reached up to it and pulled it downward. The word flickered and then glowed. It had a bright reddish, orange glow – very bright. It filled the window with its light. There was a glow inside the room that was noticeable even under the office lighting. There was a similar glow that went outside the window as well, but much more obvious and see-able out in the darkness.

As the “BISHOP” light warmed up, it burned brighter. I said, “As you serve faithfully as a Bishop, you have a wonderful opportunity to bless the lives of many, and those blessings will continue for generations to follow. You will carry a light with you that originates from, and is part of the light that continuously emanates from the Light of the World, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is attractive to all that want to know Him, all that want to be like Him; to all that recognize their need for more of His love in their hearts; to all that will partake of His Atonement; and to all that seek for His grace and miracles in their lives.” I told them, “You will need to leave this light on 24-hours a day, 365 days a year while you bear the mantle and the responsibility of being a Bishop.” They both understood and agreed with determined resoluteness.

I turned back to look at the glowing word “BISHOP”. I felt a sense of relief. Others had told me of the feelings when the mantle of responsibility is lifted after being released from serving as a Bishop. I was thinking that was what I was experiencing. There were certain specific spiritual and physical feelings of peace and gratitude. It was sweet and it was good. It reminded me of how Lehi described the fruit of the tree of life in his dream, “…very desirable, the most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted…” I was feeling such joy that the Lord loved me and had approved of my efforts. It was so peaceful and comforting that I didn’t want it to end, ever.

While enjoying those wonderful feelings, I realized something bulky in my pocket. I reached in and pulled out one of those propane lighters used for lighting barbecues or fires

I clicked the switch that ignited the lighter and reached toward the neon sign. Immediately a flame lit up around and behind the word “BISHOP”. The previous glow now was exponentially brighter. There was warmth that simultaneously filled the room. “This,” I said referring to the flames, “is the kind of Bishop each of you will be. You will have that fire-in-the-belly desire to serve God’s children; the warmth of the Holy Ghost with you as you teach, counsel, and love; and the power and authority to attract people in from the cold and warm their hands, their bellies, their hearts and their spirits. As you do, you will have the Spirit of God with you, for ‘the Spirit of God, like a fire is burning’.
That was the end of the dream. I woke up and sat up on the side of my bed. I pondered the dream and smiled. I was reminded of Isaiah 55:8-9 where the Lord tells us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Later I found this great verse relating to being one of the Lord’s ministers (a Bishop) and a flaming fire: “Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Who maketh his angels spirits; [and] his ministers a flaming fire” (Psalms 104: 1, 4 italics added).

You will both be great Bishops and do many wonderful things. You are called of the Lord and this dream is my witness of that certainty. If there is ever anything I or my family can do for you or your family, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Love, bishop Wm. Calvin Hughes

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