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Friday, November 11, 2011

Who Knew? ... I Belong to a 'CULT' (Really???)

Lately, there’s been a lot of talk in the media and around the water cooler about my particular belief system. A descriptive term – really an inflammatory term that’s been repeatedly bantered about in labeling my Church is the word ‘cult’. My thoughts, for the most part, are that it’s a word meant to incite hurtful, negative, and biased feelings. Detrimental feelings that trigger apprehension and cause division. It’s a critical and divisive term used to instigate impressions of concern, fear, and alienation. There is absolutely nothing good – nothing of redeeming value that comes from labeling a group of God fearing, Christ loving, gospel following, Bible believing, Christianity embracing people with such a repugnant and demeaning term. Nothing.

There may be a lack of understanding, or a shade of ignorance, but regardless of the source of the perception, a little research, with a slightly open-mind, will do wonders at revealing the realities of my belief system and the true character of the members of my Church.

However, if my Church really were a cult, the following are some reasons why I would still be proud to be a member – some reasons for still wanting to raise my family in the Church – and some reasons for wanting to share my belief system with anyone that would open their heart, even just a sliver, and listen. I’m confident that any honest and principled seeker of truth would find anything but the intimidating images conjured in the mind and associated with hearing the word cult.

If my Church really were a cult I would still be a member because:
  • it’s there that I can frequently feel the Savior’s love.
  • the members are committed to serving others as the Savior served.
  • the doctrine is based on time-tested Christian principles.
  • every member can personally authenticate every teaching through personal revelation.
  • the Savior is the head of the Church and He is actively leading it today.
  • members are dedicated to assist in the Lord’s redemptive work and do so by performing saving ordinances with proper authority for the living, and by proxy for the dead, so that every child of God, past, present, and future, will have an opportunity to personally accept or reject them.
  • church members are by no means perfect, but they strive to live lives of purity, obey to the commandments, pay tithes and offerings, follow the Lord’s counsel on health, and be people of integrity and morality and goodness.
  • sharing the blessings that come from living gospel principles with anyone and everyone comes naturally.
  • it’s an organization that’s alive – members worldwide in 167 countries; it’s growing – fourth largest denomination in America and the second largest Christian denomination in California; it’s giving – humanitarian service and donations of hundreds of millions of pounds of food, medicine, clothing and other relief.
  • families are important, ordained of God, and the foundational aspect of mortality and heaven.
  • all the clergy and members consecrate their time, and their talents, and serve without pay; all chapels and temples are fully paid for before they’re dedicated for use; we teach personal responsibility, financial prudence, and the value of pursuing excellence in education.
  • everything about the Church, everything we do in the Church, every plan, every activity, every hymn, every program, every principle, every doctrine, every instruction, every commandment, every meeting, every calling, and every event is based in the singular purpose of bringing people to the Savior Jesus Christ, expanding our love for, and deepening our relationship with Him.

My name is Calvin, I’m happily married, a father of six, and grandfather of four. I was lucky enough to marry my High School sweetheart. I write poetry, and I sing in the shower. I've been going to my Church for more than half a century. With my whole heart I believe in the redemptive and saving powers that are only available and exclusively accessible through Jesus Christ. 

I know that if I have any chance at salvation it will only come through complete reliance and trust in my Lord and Savior. Some may think that I belong to a cult. Regardless of what the uninformed may say or believe, I’ve found a wealth of truth and comforting peace, a deep and abiding love, and an undeniable relationship with my Savior in an incredibly amazing Church. My name is Calvin, and yes, I’m a Mormon.  

Bishop Wm. Calvin Hughes
11-11-11, 11:11 pm

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